Shipping Policy

Shipping Policy

When will my order be shipped?

Express delivery orders and most regular delivery orders placed before 11am (Seattle time - PST) on a business day are usually shipped from our Seattle warehouse same-day. During busy periods there may be small delays to dispatch some orders.

Do you ship on public holidays?

No, as our shipping providers do not work on public holidays. This means we do not ship parcels on National or State public holidays.

Can you ship Express?

We offer Express deliveries to most locations across the United States using USPS. Prices are based on the items you are ordering and your destination, so to get a quote simply add all your desired items to your cart and proceed to the checkout. Enter your state and postcode to get an exact shipping cost.

If no Express quotes are shown, this could be because you are trying to purchase a bulky item which we can't ship express, or express shipping isn't an available option for your order, but if you're unsure please contact us.


How long will it take to get my order?

Delivery times depend on where you live and the shipping method you select.

When will my order arrive?

Delivery times depend on where you live and the shipping method you select.

If after the estimated time it has not arrived, or you are concerned about it's progress, we suggest that you contact the freight provider first. They are best placed to track your parcel down and get it to you as soon as possible. However if you don't have any luck with them, then you can contact us and we'll try and get it sorted out.

What is my estimated dispatch & shipping times?

Orders for items that are currently in stock are usually dispatched within 1 to 2 business days. You'll receive an email with tracking information once the order has been dispatched. Delivery times can vary depending on the size of the items ordered, with bulky goods taking longer than smaller items.